"She is nothing so fair as she hath been reported"
Wikipedia) King Henry VIII said when he first saw Anna of Cleves.
Anna of Cleves: Holbein Portrait. |
I've heard that he said phrases such as "I like her not" and called her "Flander's Mare" (disputed, because she was German). After the first wedding night he said "I liked her before not well, but now I like her much worse" (
Wikipedia). Come on Henry, she can't be that bad.....or was she?
Henry VIII's kingly face |
Anna was his 4th wife and he was to have 2 more. His other first 3 wives, Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, and Jane Seymour were all English, but Anna was German. She was less educated, and quite boring in comparison to them. In her Holbein portrait, Anna looks beautiful, though x rays show she actually went through a bit of 'idealizing' for her nose was longer originally.
Henry got his way, as Kings did and got the marriage annulled on grounds on non-consummation and her pre-contract with another prince.
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