Thursday, July 10, 2014

Rasputin is Superhuman.

Rasputin: he knows what's going on.
Everyone in his life wanted to see him dead after the media showed him as a devil on human earth. He was a monk, healer and a private adviser to the Russian Czar family...who later were also murdered.  Hey, what can they do, when Death comes their way? Death meaning people trying to kill them.

Random fun fact:
He predicted his own death and the Czar's:
“When the bell tolls three times, it will announce that I have been killed. If I am killed by common men, you and your children will rule Russia for centuries to come; if I am killed by one of your stock, you and your family will be killed by the Russian people! Pray Tsar of Russia. Pray.”
The people who plotted to kill bated him by inviting him to tea."Oh, Why don't you come and have so tea with us sometime?" I imagined the plotting murderers said to him. The plotting murderers were Vasily, Vladimir, Prince Felix, Grand Duke Dmitri, Dr. Lizavert, and Lt. Sukhotin, like I said a lot of people wanted to kill Rasputin.

Felix was the one who invited him for tea. When Rasputin arrived the other plotters hid in the other room getting drunk. Felix gave him some cyanide to kill him, which was hidden in his food. But for some reason, when he ate the poison, it did not kill him, it just made him feel unwell. So Felix invited him to pray to the crucifix in the room and Rasputin agreed. As Rasputin knelt to kiss the cross, Felix shot him in the back.

Felix thought he had killed Rasputin so he allowed the other plotters to emerge and Dmitri, Lizavert, and Sukhotin left to burn the monk's possessions. Felix and Vladimir waited for them to return to get rid of the body. As they did, Vladimir left the room to drink more. Then Felix yelled to him "...Shoot him. He is alive! He is running away!" Vladimir chased Rasputin, shot him in the back and head, and when Rasputin was down, he went and hit him hard in the head...just to make sure he died this time (gosh, didn't they know when to give a guy a break!?).

Felix, then, became 'enraged' at the sight of Rasputin's face, I'd like to say he became crazy; He started hitting his face with a dumbbell, even after that Rasputin was still alive so they threw him in a river.  He was dead. May I say Superhuman?

Murder of Grigori Rasputin: 
Rasputin Quotes:

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